Friday, October 11, 2013

Beyond class activity: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

I went to Virginia Museum of Fine Arts for one of my beyond class activities. It was college night and students came from VCU, VSU, John Tyler, and of course RBC. I liked how they had popcorn’s, drinks, and games. Also, while eating and drinking we got to see different artworks from different schools and states through a huge screen. For the games, they offered postcards and we had to cut it out into pieces and design them to make some kind of art and they gave prizes so that we can stay motivated. It was interesting and unique since I never visited an art museum. The museum galleries were amazing but it’s more than just paintings in there. They have ancient icons from different countries and cultures they also have abstract pictures, which were very interesting. It was hard to understand what all those pictures meant but they all have their own meanings and are unique in their own ways. VMFA has jazz nights every Thursday. Since we went on a Thursday night, they had a room where people could just go in dance and enjoy their time listening to a live jazz. It was more than what I expected. For people who like art or for those who aren't really into arts, I suggest you go and see for yourselves. 

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